BIOEAST – Work Packages

WP 1: Framework for National Bioeconomy Strategies Development: Inter-ministerial working groups will be set up to trigger political dialogue. Thematic input will be provided to these groups by engaging stakeholders across the value chain. Partners will analyze relevant policies, map biomass potentials and national bioeconomy activities, provide information on used and potential indicators to monitor economic development and generate evidence for policy support measures. Synergies with other initiatives will be exploited to develop a CEE Toolbox in support of strategic thinking.


WP 2: Capacity building for BIOEAST stakeholders by engaging stakeholders and prepare them for the strategies development process (trainings) to create a level playing field, knowledge exchange and interaction, exchange of know how on technology transfer, and demonstration through a game tool that the bioeconomy strategy development is a participatory process involving the whole quadruple helix actors.


WP 3: Establishing macro-regional structures in support of the BIOEAST initiative: set up functional structures that will provide long lasting support to the BIOEAST initiative after the project lifetime and will ensure consistent setting up and update of the SRIA for the whole BIOEAST macro-region.


WP 4: BIOEAST SRIA development and positioning the macro-regional economies: On established evidence base, BIOEAST SRIA will be developed in a multi-stakeholder crating down-stream and up-stream linkages with the Food and feed sector.


WP 5: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation aims at on the one hand increasing the visibility of BIOEASTsUP at the national and EU levels and on the other hand increase the popularity and acceptance of the bioeconomy among the different professional groups, related to all aspects of the bioeconomy (societal, economics, industrial, agricultural etc). The tasks include creation of database with bioeconomy stakeholders, a dynamic web search engine which will be implemented on the BIOEAST initiative platform, as well as constant communication of all activities in the project. The national communication teams will support all WP leaders.


WP 6: Project Management and Evaluation: to lead, facilitate, coordinate and ensure the execution of the project in close and positive cooperation between project partners to achieve the project goals, outputs and deliverables; ensure coordination with the BIOEAST Governing Board.


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